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Word of the Week
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Word of the Week is a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its definition and … more
Word of the Week is a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its definition and … more

Inimitable: (in-im-ǝ-tǝ-bǝl) an adjective that means impossible to duplicate or unique and beyond imitation.


“Paul Wayne’s legendary ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ performance before the Jacksonville Jaguars-Tennessee Titans game on his electric guitar was inimitable.”


Word of the Week is a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its definition and … more
Five years ago, 2020 • The Florida Department of Law Enforcement reports statewide that crime was reduced by 6.1% and Clay County crime dropped 6.7%. • The St. Johns Country Day School girls … more

Scrutator: (skroo-TAY-tǝr) a noun that means a person who scrutinizes or investigates.


“Detective Columbo is one of the 1970s most famous television scrutators.”



Farctate: (FARK-tǝyt) an adjective that means stuffed or filled solid.


“Rusty was completely farctate following his third trip through the Christmas dinner buffet line.”


  Word of the Week is a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its … more

Quag: (kwag) a noun that means a marshy or boggy place.

“Some of the houses along the Black Creek were built on a quag, so their foundations sink in heavy rains.”


Counterpane: (KOUN-tǝr-payn) a noun that means a bedspread.


“The bed was made up with an antique counterpane quilted by a club that included my mother-in-law.”



Word of the Week is a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its definition and … more
Acidulous is Word of the Week, a feature that aims to help readers boost their vocabulary in a meaningful way that has practical applications. Each week, our editorial staff presents a word, its definition and its use in a sentence … more
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