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The Two Creeks Community Development District hereby requests proposals for annual financial auditing services.  The proposal must provide for the auditing of the District’s financial records for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026.  The District is a local unit of special-purpose government created under Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of financing, constructing, and maintaining public infrastructure.  The District was created by the Clay County Ordinance and has a net annual operating and debt service budget of approximately $1,405,147 for fiscal year 2021/2022. The final contract will require that among other things, the audit for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2022 be completed no later than June 1, 2023.

The Auditing entity submitting a proposal must be duly licensed under Chapter 473, Florida Statutes and be qualified to conduct audits in accordance with “Government Auditing Standards”, as adopted by the Florida Board of Accountancy. Audits shall be conducted in accordance with Florida Law and particularly Section 218.39, Florida Statutes, and the rules of the Florida Auditor General. 

Proposal packages, which include evaluation criteria and instructions to proposers, are available from the District Manager at the address and telephone number listed below.

Proposers must provide one (1) Adobe PDF file on flash drive and seven (7) hard copies using ONLY the following delivery methods, UPS, FedEx or Hand Delivery of their proposal to District Manager, c/o Rizzetta & Company, Inc., 2806 N. Fifth Street, Suite 403, St. Augustine, Florida 32084, in a sealed envelope marked on the outside “Auditing Services – Two Creeks Community Development District.” Proposals must be received by 12:00 p.m. on May 11, 2022 at the office of the District Manager.  The District has the right to reject any and all proposals, make modifications to the work, and waive any minor irregularities as it deems appropriate. Please direct all questions regarding this Notice to the District Manager, who can be reached at 904-436-6270 ext. 4631.

Any protest regarding the terms of this Notice, or the proposal packages on file with the District Manager, must be filed in writing at the offices of the District Manager, within seventy-two (72) calendar hours (excluding weekends) after the publication of this Notice. 

Two Creeks Community Development District

Carol Brown, District Manager

Legal 34264 Published April 7, 2022 in Clay County's Clay Today Newspaper