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Letters to the Editor 9/6/18


Reader responds to ‘fake news’ column by SPJ leaders
In a recent Clay Today editorial, the press is not “fake” according to Michael Koretzky of The Society of Professional Journalists. His ramblings about President Trump’s “Threats on freedom of the press” certainly deserves a response.
Koretzky completely misses the point with his assertions of Trump’s “intimidation” and attempt to “stifle the press.” He says Trump is setting a “dangerous precedent” by calling the news media “the enemy of the people.”
How exactly is President Trump keeping journalists from free speech? Free speech is exactly that. Journalists can say whatever they want.
The author confuses free speech with criticism. No other president has called out the liberal bias of the mainstream media and they simply don’t like it as evidenced by their organized national temper tantrum on Aug 16. Criticism is not abuse of power. It looks like the everybody gets a trophy day are over for journalists. Their self-anointed role as guardians of our moral compass is a fantasy. Journalists have used the first amendment to choose topics with an ideological bias that is often based on lazy, incomplete, and erroneous reporting, otherwise known as “fake news.”
In 2004 Bernard Goldberg, a 7-time Emmy award winner, wrote a book called “Biased.” He chronicled the backroom decisions made at CBS for almost 30 years on what and how to report the news. His conclusion was that bias exists, but journalists do not see themselves as biased. Based on what and how advocate journalists report today, his conclusion still holds.
Journalism doesn’t really exist these days, only advocacy. In 1987, 75 percent of Americans viewed the press as objective. Now 80 percent say the media is biased. Journalists have brought this on themselves. Whining about “fake news” will not change anyone’s opinion. If they decide they want to restore their profession with objectivity more than they want to hate Trump, they may earn back the respect of the American people.

Greg Archambault
Orange Park

Kudos to Randy Lefko
As a former assistant sports editor for an 80,000-circulation daily in South Jersey just outside of Philadelphia I was very impressed with your excellent 2018 Scholastic Football Preview section.
Having been responsible for scholastic coverage for the Courier-Post in Cherry Hill/Camden, New Jersey I know the work that is involved in producing a special section, and especially a high-profile football publication.
It is very well done and a great publication.

David Treffinger
Orange Park

Reader opposed to one mill tax increase
The increase in property taxes to cover a Clay County school safety officer is not justified. There is no winner, only the kids and the homeowner loosing. The odds of dying in a school shooting on any given day since 1999 is 1 in 614,000,000.
There is a much greater risk for kids dying traveling to and from school or playing school sports. This is a knee jerk reaction to a very very rare occurrence. Once again, politicians waste our money, so they can claim some achievement.
Instead of telling voters the facts about school shootings, they try and make the voter feel guilty for not wanting to keep kids safe. Ask any teacher, and they will tell you they would rather have the money for school supplies and updated technology.

John Haymore
Green Cove Springs