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Project Title: Demolition and Site Preparation Services for Existing Building
Introduction: The City of Keystone Heights, located in Keystone Heights, FL is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to provide demolition and site preparation services for an existing building located at 125 E Walker Drive, Keystone Heights, FL 32656. The scope of work includes the demolition and removal of the existing abandoned building and site furnishings, disconnection of electrical and plumbing systems, debris removal, and maintenance of traffic during the demolition process.

The prebid meeting date will be June 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM and all bids are due by July 16, 2024 at 4:00 PM.
Project Overview: The project involves the complete demolition of an existing building encompassing 1,500 square feet. The building is a vacant brick restaurant. The City of Keystone Heights shall make its best efforts to maintain the site conditions existing at the time of inspection for bidding purposes. The demolition must be conducted in accordance with all relevant local, state, and federal regulations. Qualified contractors must carry Commercial General Liability Insurance of 100/300
Scope of Work: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to:
-Demolition and removal of the existing building, concrete/asphalt slabs, and foundations.
-Demolition and removal of site improvements, including but not limited to foundation, parking slab, concrete sidewalk, underground structures, signs, and poles.
-Disconnection and removal of all electrical and plumbing systems. Contractor required to call 811 for locates prior to work being commenced.
-Proper disposal of hazardous materials, if any, in accordance with environmental regulations.
-Removal and disposal of all debris generated during the demolition process.
-Implementation and maintenance of traffic control measures to ensure safety during demolition activities. Conduct demolition operations to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent facilities. Ensure safe passage of people and traffic around the demolition area.
-Restoration of the site to a clean and level condition upon completion of demolition activities.
Quality Assurance: Contractor shall comply with all applicable EPA, state and local notification regulations before starting demolition. Contractor shall comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction; all other codes, standards, regulations, and workers’ safety rules that are administered by federal agencies (HUD, EPA, OSHA, and DOT) or state agencies (State OSHA, DEM, DOH, etc.); and any other local regulations and standards (i.e. building codes) that may apply. The demolition contractor must secure all associated permits. By submitting a proposal, Contractor affirms they have familiarized themselves with the legal requirements (federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations) and other conditions which may affect performance of this Scope of Work.
Proposal Requirements: Interested contractors are requested to submit proposals that include the following information:
-Company profile, including relevant experience in demolition and site preparation projects.
-Description of the proposed methodology and equipment to be used for demolition and debris removal.
-Proposed timeline for completion of the project.
-Safety plan outlining measures to ensure the safety of workers and the surrounding community during demolition activities.
-Environmental protection plan detailing how hazardous materials will be identified, handled, and disposed of in compliance with regulations.
-Cost proposal, including a breakdown of all expenses related to the project.
Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
-Experience and qualifications of the contractor.
-Proposed methodology and equipment.
-Compliance with safety and environmental regulations.
-Cost-effectiveness of the proposal.
-Proposed timeline for completion of the project.
-Appropriate insurance coverage ($1 Million/$3 Million)
Submission Instructions: Proposals must be submitted electronically to Beau Wright at wright@keystoneheights.us no later than [Proposal Submission Deadline]. Late submissions will not be considered.
Site Visit: A mandatory pre-bid site visit will be held on [Date and Time] at 125 E Walker Drive, Keystone Heights, FL 32656. Contractors must attend the site visit to familiarize themselves with the project site and requirements. Contractor must survey the existing site to determine the scope of demolition as well as the existence of any potential hazardous materials.
Contact Information: For inquiries or clarifications regarding this RFP, please contact Beau Wright at wright@keystoneheights.us or 352-473-4807.
Reservation of Rights: The City of Keystone Heights reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the proposals received, and to select the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the city.
Thank you for your interest in this project. We look forward to receiving your proposal.
Legal 112060 Published 6/13/2024 and 6/20/2024 in Clay County's Clay Today newspaper and 6/20/2024 in Clay County's Keystone Herald newspaper