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Onward Christian whiners


Onward Christian whiners, share your piece of mind

With the cross of Jesus, dragging way behind

Christ your loyal Master, must weep as you go

Fighting the wrong battles, choosing the wrong foe

Onward Christian whiners, with no thinking of

This, your humble calling: Living out His Love

Now, I know this will be controversial. It is fully intentional. I intend to step on toes – mine first. I intend to anger Causes – mine first. I intend to stir pots – yep, you guessed it – mine first.

For the last 36 years I’ve lived my life as a Christian - well, for the most part. As with all of us (except for One), I’ve made huge mistakes, bad choices and have hurt those I love. But through all that, I never stopped believing that God, through Jesus, had a much better plan for my life than did I.

Fast forward to the 21st Century. Surely you’ve noticed that people are becoming more outspoken, a bit more caustic and a lot more vocal about anything and everything that crosses their minds. With the advent of billions of computers connected to each other, controlled by billions more humans, many have turned into armchair quarterbacks, sofa film critics (more like everything-critics) and office-chair political analysts.

Faster-forward to October of 2016 and the point of my satirical bent on a Christian hymn. I chose it particularly because of its original use as a children’s marching tune – and more contemporarily, as Winston Churchill’s choice of songs at a church service after meeting with President Roosevelt to sign the Atlantic Charter in 1941. (The irony of those two diametrically opposed purposes deserves its own separate article.)

As a battle song, the original lyric charges Christians to fight the timeless battle of Good versus Evil. In one verse, it says, “We are not divided; all one body we, One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.” For those not acquainted with archaic terms, charity, in the biblical sense is also translated: love.

So, how is this battle fought? Politically? I think not.

I for one, am sick and tired of folks who call themselves Christian, filling the social media airwaves and roadside corners with rhetoric that is not only devoid of love, but flies in the face of the Calling of Christ. Read the Story. Jesus was likely the least politically-active person of his time. He knew why he was on Earth and apparently it was not to motivate his followers to make their own political agendas known to the world.

No, Jesus had one message: Love other people and believe I am who I say I am. Dying and nailed mercilessly to a hunk of wood, he prayed that God would forgive the ones who did this to him, because they “knew not what they [did]”. His message makes the needed change where it really counts: in the very heart of a man or woman. Washington will never change until the hearts of people change.

People will not be changed by the latest “Christian” online rants against our current president or the candidates. In fact, I think it repels would-be followers. It repels me and I am a follower.

So, this is not for atheists, deists, moralists or any other “ists” for that matter. It’s for Christians. Period. Our job is to take care of widows, orphans; to feed those dying from hunger and thirst, and to clothe naked people. But, our paramount purpose is to show forth the genuine Love of God in all we do. Each hour. Every day. To every person.

So Christians, let’s leave the ugly and downright mean comments to the rest of the world. As Jesus said, when they talk like that, they’re speaking their native language.

Our linguistic and grammar teacher comes from a different school. Quite different indeed.

Craig Seaton is a writer and musician. He lives in Orange Park.